As usual, the chicks became more adventurous at about 5 weeks old straying further and further from the safety of their nest box. The last time that I saw all three chicks roosting together in the nestbox was on 10th June. Two of the chicks continued to roost in the nestbox for several more nights. By mid-June the chicks were fully feathered and often seen wing-flapping in preparation for their first flights.
On 15th June female Green 77 (Xena) was rescued from a balcony thanks to the efforts of Clive Wingrave, Andrew Smith and others. Within a few days all three young were flying. As those who follow the webcams will know only too well, it can be quite a challenge keeping track of all the young. It was, however, great to see all three chicks simultaneously on the webcams on 23rd June. They are now flying strongly. Let’s hope they continue to do well.
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