This year the peregrine family have remained on and around Sussex Heights for longer than in recent years.
In the first few weeks after leaving the nest, as the young grow stronger & become better flyers, they & their parents tend to move increasingly further away from the nest site during the day. The family often return there at night to roost. The young are dependent on the adults until they have learnt to hunt for themselves. It may take several months before they are fully independent, with young sometimes remaining with their parents until October.
The first few months after fledging is a very hazardous time for many young birds, not least Peregrines. Sadly, one of this year’s young, male Green 69 was found dead on Brighton Beach at the end of June. It is, however, great to report that female Peregrine with colour-ring Green 37, ringed as a chick at Sussex Heights on 4th June 2009 has been seen in the Dover area.
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